How we deliver the EYFS
At Fulham's Angels Nursery, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) guidelines set by the Department of Education, along with advice from our Local Authority Early Years professionals and Ofsted. Our approach is based on the four key principles of the EYFS:
Unique Child: Every child is special, constantly learning, and has the potential to be strong, capable, confident, and self-assured.
Positive Relationships: Children grow strong and independent through supportive and positive relationships.
Enabling Environment: Children thrive in environments that meet their individual needs, where there is a strong partnership between staff, parents, and carers.
Learning and Development: Children develop in different ways, and the framework supports the education and care of all children, including those with special educational needs and disabilities.
How we support development and learning
From birth, children begin exploring the world. At Fulham's Angels Nursery, we continue this journey by offering fun and challenging activities that suit each child’s age and stage of development. We also include spontaneous experiences, interactive play, group activities, and phonics learning in their daily routine.
Areas of Development and Learning: PRIME AREAS
Areas of Development and Learning: SPECIFIC AREAS
We carefully plan for each child's development, taking into account their individual needs and progress. The expected milestones for the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage are outlined by the Early Learning Goals, which describe what children should know and be able to do by the end of reception.
Using the ‘Development Matters’ guidance and the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile, we track the typical stages of a child's progress toward these goals. Our approach involves regularly reviewing their development, planning the next steps, and providing the necessary support to help them reach their full potential.
Our Approach to Learning and Development
We believe in learning through play, as it helps children develop through hands-on activities and conversation. Using the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and ‘Development Matters’ guidance, we plan activities that encourage children to explore, create, and think critically. Some activities are child-led, while others are guided by adults, all designed to support their progress.
Supporting Effective Learning
We focus on how children learn through:
Playing and exploring
Active learning
Critical thinking
By observing these traits, we tailor activities to keep children motivated and engaged.
Inclusive Learning
We ensure all children, including those with special needs or for whom English isn’t their first language, can access our activities. We regularly assess and adapt our resources, seeking additional support from professionals when necessary. Parental involvement is vital, and we value feedback to improve our services.
We regularly assess children’s progress through observations, photos, and feedback from parents. Parents are encouraged to share insights on their child’s development at home, helping us build a complete picture. At key stages, including age two and transition to school, we provide progress reports and summaries to support their ongoing development.
Learning Journey and Transitions
Each child has a learning journey folder, where we document their achievements and plan their next steps together with parents. When transitioning to primary school, we prepare a detailed report to ensure a smooth handover to the new setting. For more information, please speak to your child’s key person.
Personal Social and Emotional Development
· making relationships
· self-confidence and self-awareness
· managing feelings and behaviour
Physical Development
· moving and handling
· health and self-care
Communication and Language
· listening and attention
· understanding
· speaking
· reading
· writing
· numbers
· shape, space and measure
Understanding of the World
· people and communities
· the world
· technology
Expressive Arts & Design
· exploring and using media and materials
· being imaginative